
Rabu, 21 Desember 2011

Ibu itu adalah pembohong!!

Seorang ibu dlm hidupnya membuat kebohongan :

1. Saat makan, jika makanan kurang, Ia akan memberikan makanan itu kpd anaknya dan berkata, "Cepatlah makan, ibu tdk lapar."

2. Waktu makan, Ia selalu menyisihkan ikan dan daging untuk anaknya dan berkata, "Ibu tdk suka daging, makanlah, nak.."

3. Tengah mlm saat dia sdg menjaga anaknya yg sakit, Ia berkata,
"Istirahatlah nak, ibu msh blm ngantuk.."

4. Saat anak sudah tamat sekolah, bekerja, mengirimkan uang untuk ibu. Ia berkata, "Simpanlah untuk keperluanmu nak, ibu masih punya uang."

5. Saat anak sudah sukses, menjemput ibunya untuk tinggal di rumah besar, Ia lantas berkata, "Rumah tua kita sangat nyaman, ibu tidak terbiasa tinggal di sana."

Saat menjelang tua, ibu sakit keras, anaknya akan menangis, tetapi ibu msh bs tersenyum sambil berkata, "Jangan menangis, ibu tidak apa apa." Ini adalah kebohongan terakhir yg dibuat ibu.

Tidak peduli sebrp kaya kita, seberapa dewasanya kita, ibu slalu menganggap kita anak kecilnya, mengkhawatirkan diri kita tp tdk prnh membiarkan kita mengkhawatirkan dirinya.

Semoga semua anak di dunia ini bisa menghargai setiap kebohongan seorang ibu....karena beliaulah malaikat nyata yg dikirim TUHAN untuk menjaga kita.

Selamat Hari Ibu...

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Don't you remember?

When will I see you again? You left without goodbye, not a single word was said. No final kiss to seal anything I had no idea of the state we were in. I know I have a fickle heart and a bitterness And a wandering eye and a heaviness in my head. But don't you remember? Don't you remember? The reason you loved me before. Baby, please remember me once more.

 When was the last time you thought of me? Or have you completely erased me from your memory? I often think about where I would roam. More I do, the less I know. I gave you the space so you could breathe. I kept my distance so you would be free And hope that you find the missing piece To bring you back to me. Why don't you remember? Don't you remember? The reason you loved me before. Baby, please remember me once more...

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Teen quotes

"Dear Girls, Stop chasing him, if he really wants you, he's gonna be the one chasing and not you."
"Be nice to someone for no reason. You never know when you're going to need someone to be nice to you for no reason."
"Let the players play, and let the haters hate, cause karma has a lovely way of handling their fate."
"I'm not popular,but I have nice friends. I'm not rich but I have what I need. I may not be liked but I know I'm loved." 
"You don't need to be perfect to inspire others. Let people get inspired by how you deal with your imperfection."
 "Stop trying to be something you're not. Be what you're good at , be yo."
 "Haters are like crickets. Crickets make a lot of noise, you hear it but you can't see them. Then right when you walk by them, they're quiet."
 "Don't point out other people's flaws because you're not perfect; you have to look in the mirror before you can look out the window."
 "You can't judge somebody by their appearance. You never know what they're going through."
"A person who irritates you always is the one who loves you very much but fails to express it."

Senin, 12 Desember 2011

I Have 5 Finger to Reason

  MY PINKY FINGER :  For my best friend,and the promises I will never break..     


MY RING FINGER  : For that special boy when the time is right..     


MY MIDDLE FINGER  :  For that bithces who pushes me to far..     


MY POINTER FINGER  :  To pick out my dearest family members..     


MY THUMB  :  To show the rest of the world I'm going to be okay..

Minggu, 11 Desember 2011


L is for the way you look at me

O is for the only one I see

V is very, very extraordinary

E is even more than anyone that you adore can

Love is all that I can give to you

Love is more than just a game for two

Two in love can make it

Take my heart and please don't break it

Love was made for me and you

L is for the way you look at me

O is for the only one I see

V is very, very extraordinary

E is even more than anyone that you adore can

Love is all that I can give to you

Love is more than just a game for two

Two in love can make it

Take my heart and please don't break it

Love was made for me and you

Love was made for me and you

Love was made for me and you

Hunting Foto


go green..

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

a moment, a love, a dream, a laugh, a kiss, a cry




       ...the end...